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Sunday, December 24, 2017


(C)Old Days

(C)Old Days

I miss those days
when I walked, ran or pedaled
to get where I wanted to go.
When the only deterrent was ice or deep snow
which really only stopped me from pedaling.
We knew how to dress for the weather then –
green or blue snorkels zipped up to the brim –
periscope vision protected from winds.
Whatever was needed to be out with friends
was better than watching  from the window…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Forget Me Not

I text
but rarely call
because I so easily fall
in love with your tone.
It’s so familiar
it feels like home,
but there’s this undertone of pain
within that pierces to my veins.
So I wonder
what you’ve been through…
Yes, I wonder,
“What’s to blame
for unseen tears?”
And can I ease it?
Do you feel
 you could release it
if I sat and held your hand
through this handset
and share your secret?
You play shit off so well…
Strong woman!
Super mom got it together!
But I feel like you’re pretending
Maybe I’m blind –
my intuition full of shit
Maybe the loss of so much time
makes me unworthy of that gift.
I want to know your soul
in ways I couldn’t
when we were kids.
I envy the heart
that wants the same
that yours does not resist…
