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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Women Do It, Men Can't

Fellas, I hate to go here, but sometimes it's necessary to consider the things we do and their ramifications. It is no secret that men and women are very different creatures although we belong to the same species. We're wired differently. We react to the same stimuli in different ways. Our overall outlook is different. We are different in ways that are meant to complement each other. Those differences are what have ensured our survival as a species for many thousands of years. I find it interesting that at a time when our species has become very conscious of its fragility and the relative ease with which we could face our own extinction, we have attempted with limited but still significant success, to erase or ignore those invaluable distinctions. We are rapidly becoming neuters. It has become politically incorrect to assign labels that disclose gender, but being gender neutral is contrary to our very nature and, in my opinion compromises our continued survival. We cannot continue to cast aside the characteristics that allowed us to thrive for thousands upon thousands of years and think we will come out of it unscathed. Nature is a powerful thing, and if we continue to strive against it, nature will simply eliminate that which opposes it...us.

With that in mind, I got to thinking about the differences between the sexes beyond the obvious ones in our respective physiology. Why are men and women so naturally different yet codependent? I think we first have to look at our basic nature. This may offend some folk's sensibilities, but human beings are just one of several species of animal inhabiting this planet. Everything on Earth is vegetable, mineral or animal and we fit squarely into that last category. I realize religion has taught us that we are something more, but on a fundamental level we are just animals. As animals we have instincts that drive us to fulfill our purpose - our meaning of life - survival and reproduction. By nature, men are protectors and women are nurturers, essential traits in ensuring the continued survival of any species. It's a complementary pairing. Of necessity, there must be a dominant and submissive in this pairing for it to work. Those are dirty words in modern, civilized societies, but they should not be. I'll explain.

Fellas, do you really, fully comprehend what is taking place when a woman engages in sexual intercourse with you? The character traits that allow her to take part in this act are female specific and cannot exist in men naturally. The basic nature of a woman is that of a serial monogamist. Under most circumstances she can only have one ovum/egg fertilized at a time for a short period during a twenty-eight day cycle. Relative to the millions of sperm we produce daily, that ovum is a treasure to her on an instinctual level. As such, she wants to do everything in her power to ensure it will go to term once fertilized and have the greatest possible chance for survival once it leaves her womb. She has a natural tendency not move on to another mate unless that move will yield greater chances for security and offspring survival. Can you blame a woman for having high, yet realistic standards, and for being very selective about potential mates? There is strong biological component acting in her. It's also a good biological reason for a woman to wait until she is completely comfortable with her selection before have sex with him. [Realistic standards will be addressed in the future.]

Now here's the deep part; no pun intended. You know how the mechanics of intercourse work, but let's consider it from a psychological vantage point. In order for that precious ovum to be fertilized, the woman must allow you to enter her. Let that marinate. What does it take for a woman to allow a man to enter her? The leg muscles are the strongest muscles in the human body. Absent some form of coercion, most women have the physical strength necessary to deny a man entry. So she must willingly allow a man to place a part of him within the core of her being. That in itself is an act of submission. It requires an incredible amount of trust to allow one to expose that degree of vulnerability. She is then allowing you to dominate her physically for however long it takes, completely yielding her whole being to your will, trusting that you will dominate her with compassion. In the end, she is agreeing to accept and retain possession of a deposit of your physical being within her indefinitely. It takes a special mental and emotional make up to allow what I just described to take place voluntarily. Is it any wonder why rape is so devastating? Is it any wonder why heterosexual men are so repulsed by gay male sex? Straight men cannot voluntarily allow themselves to be dominated sexually. It is contrary to our basic nature. In an unadulterated world, it is a uniquely female attribute and illustrates vividly some of the fundamental differences between men and women. Should we not embrace and appreciate all the things that nature has done to make men and women different yet mutually dependent? Chew on that...

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