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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Their Illusion is Our Delusion

The first freedom you surrender in exchange for any and all privileges is the freedom to exercise your anonymity. There are 3 determining factors for establishing your identity: 1) Your current and unique physical traits, 2) your location at a fixed point in time, and 3) the name you permanently adopt as your verbal and/or written representation. These are the most basic elements of any personal credentials you will wield throughout the course of your life.

There is no greater freedom than the ability to control how and when these 3 bits of information are disclosed. No person or entity can exercise control over you without knowledge of at least 2 of the 3 aforementioned criteria. Hence, unless you were born in the woods, reared by wolves, and untouched by civilization, YOU ARE NOT FREE! Freedom is an illusion. Pick up the pieces of your shattered delusion, have a drink or smoke a fat one and get over it.